Triple A – HFD’s Artists of All Abilities

Sometimes it’s difficult to find a place where you can do what you love, at a pace that is rocking your individual tune.
We have the answer!
With a certified Rhythm Works Instructor and in home Autism Therapist overseeing all content,  our programs are designed to not only brush up on your mad dance skills, but work in with Occupational Therapy goals, and general everyday motor skills that might need a bit more attention!

Our programs are developed specifically to indiviuals in a group setting and we also incorporate things like emotions, social skills, working with others, following instructions, leadership, strength & co-ordination and how to deal with change.

It’s the absolute JOY my girls get from dancing. They are so happy. They work hard. And most importantly they love it! They love being on stage! They love being part of the dance school. They are accepted and embraced for who they are. – Liz, proud Triple A Mum.


Clear Fees & Tuition

With an inclusive monthly payment, it couldn’t be easier! Easy and predicatble pricing means no more lump sum term or surprise costume payments – it’s all taken care of!



Family Friendly Timetables

We have seen time and time again families with busy work, school and sibling schedules.
Now your artist can take multiple styles with only a fraction of the time commitments.


Transferable Skills

More that ‘just a dance class’.
From being part of a team, social skills, emotions to hanging clothes and everything in between, the skills they learn in the studio reach far beyond our walls.

Triple A – Tinies

3-5 year olds.

A wonderful introduction to dance & movement.
With this age group you can choose a spcific Triple A Tinies Progarm or  to intergrate your budding artist into our Tinies programs where these little artitst can not only gain dance skills, but work in with personal Occupational Therapy goals, and general everyday motor skills that might need a bit more attention into the class!
What better way to enhance mucsle tone, core strength, co-ordination and many other elements all while they have the best time ever!? If you have specific OT goals, please let us know so that we can include dance moves and exercises that target the same motor skills and muscle groups to top up the reps during the week.
We treat all our artists as individuals and cater to everyones learning pathways, so why not have an awesome time and dance the day away?

Triple A – Juniors

Minis – Prep-Grade 3
Tweens: Grade 4-6 at school

It’s at this age range where we start to slowly introduce more co-ordination and strength. Working with a set class routine and incorporating new exercises and moves, we also dabble with show preparations and what happens when things change, and how to cope with difference.
If you have specific OT goals, please let us know so that we can include dance moves and exercises that target the same motor skills and muscle groups to top up the reps during the week.
We treat all our artists as individuals and cater to everyones learning pathways, so why not have an awesome time and make some new friends and team mates?

Triple A – Teens

Year 7 or 13yrs +

 Our Teens are where things step up!
Starting to offer more autonomy, our Teens love to get creative and start having more of their input heard and respected. We also start looking at more leadership roles and really working as a team. With this age group comes another social stage, and we are all set to help navigate this in program and with peers.
Our first ground breaking Triple A legends will pave the way for something super huge and become both stars and leaders within the community.
We are excited and ready to offer this great platform for these kids to launch off. There are some really exciting things in the works for these guys, and we can’t wait to share them!

Prefer to discuss further?

If you would prefer to discuss our programs and offerings further, please shoot us an email and we can work out the best fit for your artist.

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